  1. Introduction
  2. Getting started
  3. Setup and configuration
  4. Using TacoTranslate
  5. Server-side rendering
  6. Advanced usage
  7. Best practices
  8. Error handling and debugging
  9. Supported languages

Setup and configuration

Creating a project

Before you can start using TacoTranslate, you’ll need to create a project within the platform. This project will be the home of your strings and translations.

You should use the same project across all environments (production, staging, test, development, ...).

Create a project

Creating API keys

To use TacoTranslate, you’ll need to create API keys. For optimal performance and security, we recommend creating two API keys: One for production environments with read-only access to your strings, and another for protected development, test, and staging environments with read and write access.

Navigate to the Keys tab within the project overview page to manage API keys.

Selecting enabled languages

TacoTranslate makes it easy to toggle between which languages to support. Based on your current subscription plan, you can enable translation between up to 75 languages with a single click.

Navigate to the Languages tab within the project overview page to manage languages.

Using TacoTranslate